Casa Blanca Oriental Lily

code: 1231

Casa Blanca’ Oriental Lily is a magnificent, pure white flower that lights up the garden with up to eight enormous flowers per stem. An intensely fragrant variety, ‘Casa Blanca’ is a classic favorite for flower arrangements and moon gardens. In terms of white lilies, this one has remained unmatched for decades in the eyes of many plant lovers. (Lilium)

Zones4 – 9
AdvantagesEasy To Grow

Attract Butterflies

Fragrant Flower / Foliage

Good For Cut Flowers

Good For Containers

Plants For Small Spaces

Light RequirementsFull Sun

Half Sun / Half Shade

Mature Plant Size36-48″ tall
Bulb Spacing3 bulbs per sq. ft. 8-12″ apart
Bloom TimeMid to late summer
SizeBag of 3

Plant Information

Yes, this is that huge pure white lily everyone loves. And the ones from your garden will be just as spectacular as the ones you always see at the florist. Because Casa Blanca is a snap to grow, as long as you give it space and well-drained soil. And as if its huge blooms weren’t enough, this beauty rewards you with up to 8 flowers per stem.

This is the one that smells so sweet that one stem perfumes a whole room. So it belongs both in the cutting garden and the non-cutting garden, where its strong stems will need no staking, and its big beautiful blooms will light up the whole place after most other flowers are finished.

Spectacular lilies for your garden; it’s easy. Everybody loves lilies, and today’s hybrids are a snap to grow, unlike some of the more difficult ones of the past. Today’s favorites are no more work than growing a tulip or daffodil. First, take a look at the combination photo below. The large picture of a red lily is Stargazer, the most famous Oriental Hybrid. (See lily groups below.) Along with the famous white one, Casa Blanca, and other Oriental Hybrids, it’s a big florist’s favorite, and the ones in your garden will be just as lovely and fragrant as the ones you buy in any flower shop.

Growing Lilies: True lilies (which don’t include daylilies and others which are not in the genus Lilium) are easy to grow today, and more popular every season. Since they are upright and take practically no space at ground level, it’s easy to plant lilies between other established perennials and shrubs. Most can also tolerate some shade, which adds versatility for the gardener. There are many lily groups, but to keep it simple, we will consider only a few of the main types that are important to gardeners. Each lily we ship includes complete instructions for planting. So don’t hesitate. You can easily bring the spectacular beauty of lily flowers to any summer meadow or garden.

‘Wild’ Lilies or ‘Species’ Lilies These are the true wildflowers from the world over. They are the ones all the glamorous hybrids are descended from. We’re fortunate to have some of these botanical treasures on our list of lilies this season.

Oriental Hybrid Lilies are the now famous, very fragrant ones with large, flattened flowers such as red Stargazer and white Casa Blanca. These are the ones now so popular in the floral trade, but are also very easy to grow. They bloom from mid-summer through early fall. Most have very large, outward-facing, fragrant flowers.

Asiatic Hybrid Lilies are today’s largest group of garden lilies, quite easy to ‘naturalize’. This growing group of lilies was begun by hybridizers in the US, and were first called ‘Mid-Century Hybrids.’ Compared to Orientals, the Asiatic Hybrid lilies bloom earlier (early to mid summer), the plants are shorter, the flowers a bit smaller, and most blooms are upward-facing and star-shaped. Some of the most famous Asiatic Hybrids are yellow ‘Connecticut King,’ and the famous red, ‘Gran Paradiso.’

Tiger Lilies. This group is led by the famous old orange wild lily, which used to be called Lilium tigrinum. Botanists have changed that to Lilum lancifolium, but that doesn’t stop most people (including us) from using the old name ‘tigrinum.’ From the original orange, the hybridizers have created new colors from white to pink. All have the large flowers, black spots, and tough perennial qualities of the original. (By the way, don’t call any old spotted orange lily ‘tiger lily’. This one is the real thing, and no lily common name is more mis-used.)

Trumpet Lilies Sometimes called ‘Aurelian Hybrids’ or other names, the large, tall trumpet lilies are all descended from The Regal Lily, a white wild species lily from China. All are incredibly fragrant, and wonderful for cutting. They grow tall, and often need staking, since a well-grown stalk can have over 15 huge flowers.

More Information
Common NameCasa Blanca Oriental Lily
Botanical NameLilium orientalis Casa Blanca
Item Package SizeBag of 3
Flower ColorWhite
Flower Size6-12″ flowers
FoliageNarrow, lanceolate, dark green leaves.
Light RequirementsFull Sun, Half Sun / Half Shade
Bloom TimeMid to late summer
Mature Height36-48″ tall
Bulb Spacing3 bulbs per sq. ft. 8-12″ apart
Bulb Size20-22 cm
Planting DepthPlant 6″ deep.
Soil TypeLoamy Soil
Soil MoistureAverage, Well Draining
Ideal RegionNortheast, Southeast, Midwest, West, Southwest, Pacific Northwest
AdvantagesEasy To Grow, Attract Butterflies, Fragrant Flower / Foliage, Good For Cut Flowers, Good For Containers, Plants For Small Spaces
Additional InformationLilies like their feet in the shade and faces in the sun so keep them happy by planting behind or amongst other perennials for a dramatic effect.
Zones4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Ships AsBulb, Rhizome, Tuber
Poisonous or Toxic to AnimalsPoisonous if ingested. Toxic to cats.
Planting TimeSpring / Summer

Casa Blanca Oriental Lily

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